
Personal Evacuation Egress Policy

Waters Edge Apartments is committed to promoting access for people who have a disability or long-term medical condition. This includes consideration of the requirements to enable effective evacuation of our buildings in an emergency.

General Evacuation Arrangements:

The premises have a manual call point Fire Alarm system and L3 Automatic Fire Detection systems installed and designed to BS 5839 Pt1 in the communal areas with a Grade A: LD2 AFD system in the apartments. Public access to the premises is only to the communal areas to enable access to the apartments. 

Detailed plans and instructions for Means of Escape in case of fire will be located in each apartment. This information will include:

  • Particular features of fire alarm systems designed to assist people with a disability.
  • Exit routes with direct egress for wheelchairs

(A refuge is a designated temporary safe area where someone can wait, in comparative safety, for assistance. It is a fire resisting enclosure that is served by a safe route to a storey exit, evacuation lift or final exit form the building. Refuges will usually be sited within a staircase and will be clearly marked.) 

  • Exit routes for wheelchairs and refuge areas will be clearly marked with appropriate signage.


Lifts are not to be used in a fire emergency.

Safe Routes:

Waters Edge Apartments utilise horizontal evacuation routes. Therefore, this will enable evacuating persons to move freely into an adjacent area. Those on the upper floors may avail of the refuge areas provided at the lobby to the protected staircase.

Mobility Impaired:

To facilitate the quick and efficient evacuation of buildings mobility impaired occupants may need to be assisted in their evacuation. This may be done by the person’s friends or the staff on duty.

Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Persons: 

Strobe lights may be located throughout the premises to warn Deaf people of an emergency. They will also see how the other guests are behaving and they will be urging people to evacuate the premises. The staff will assist people to evacuate the premises, if required. 

Blind and Partially Sighted Persons:

Blind persons will have heard the Fire Alarm and will know that they should leave the premises as quickly as possible. They can be assisted to safety by the staff if required. 

Personal Emergency Egress Plan

In addition to the general provisions that have been made to facilitate emergency egress of persons who have a disability, it might be necessary to develop a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP). The purpose of this is to identify with the person concerned any additional arrangements that may reasonably be made to enable their effective evacuation in an emergency. This will reflect their unique characteristics and further underpin our duty of care towards them.

PEEP Policy:

A person with a disability must notify Waters Edge Apartmentsof their situation to initiate the preparation of a PEEP. They can do this when they arrive. 

The PEEP will be developed by the Fire Safety Manager. The completed PEEP will be forwarded to the Duty Manager and all relevant staff appraised of the content. A copy of the PEEP will be given to the person concerned with a copy retained by the Fire Safety Manager.             

The person with a disability is responsible for following those arrangements that either require an action to be taken by them or a condition to be met.      

The Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan will take account of the following general features:

  • Ability to hear or see an evacuation alarm,
  • Ability to follow evacuation routes,
  • Ability to negotiate obstacles such as stairs,
  • Availability of appropriate assistance during and outside normal working hours.     

Procedure for the Evacuation of Wheelchair Users:

  • Wheelchair users will only be evacuated if there is a fire in the building.
  • Any staff on site will be trained in the safe evacuation of wheelchair users.
  • All wheelchair users will be notified of their evacuation procedures on arrival via this policy

Action to be taken on actuation of a Fire Alarm:

  • On the sound of the fire alarm all guests shall leave the building via the designated escape routes as noted within each apartment. 

Action to be taken by Staff:

  • Upon notification from guests of a ‘Disabled person’ the duty manager will enquire if the person has any specific needs.
  • If they do, then the Fire Safety Manager will be informed and a PEEP will be developed.
  • The completed PEEP will be forwarded to the Duty Manager and all relevant staff appraised of the content. 
  • A copy of the PEEP will be left at Westville Hotel reception to be given to the person concerned. 
  • On actuation of the Fire Alarm the Duty Manager will monitor the Fire Alarm Control Panel.
  • The duty manager will be sent to investigate the actuation.
  • If a fire is located the Duty Manager will dial 999 and ask for the Fire & Rescue Service.
  • The Duty Manager will give the Register to the Responsible Person.
  • The Duty Manager will monitor the ongoing situation and pass on all relevant information to the Responsible Person.

Instructions for the ‘Disabled Person’:

  • You should read your PEEP this has been written specifically for you.
  • Ensure that you follow the instructions given to you when you contacted the Duty Manager.
  • Remain calm and patient as the Duty Manager will have dispatched Fire Marshall(s) to evacuate you from the building.
  • When the Fire Marshall(s) arrive evacuate the premises with them. They will take you to the Assembly Point.
  • Do not re-enter the building unless told that it is safe to do so.